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From the Vault: La Bohème

Posted on: April 15, 2020

The power of opera stems from the fact that nearly every aspect of each production is lovingly created by hand, instrument or voice.

We are committed to providing support for the hundreds of LA Opera artists and staff whose work and livelihood have been impacted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. With a full orchestra and chorus, stagehands, singers, designers, costumers, technicians and more, each opera we produce employs 300-500 people. 

The LA Opera Relief Fund will provide much needed relief for those impacted by production cancelations and will help us continue to support our community during this unprecedented time. Please consider making a donation at 

All photography shown is credited to Cory Weaver. For artist and production credits, please see below. 

La Bohème  
Music by Giacomo Puccini  
Libretto by Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica  
Recorded September 14, 2019 

Conductor: James Conlon  
Rodolfo: Saimir Pirgu  
Mimi: Marina Costa-Jackson  
Marcello: Kihun Yoon*  
Musetta: Erica Petrocelli*  
Colline: Nicholas Brownlee*  
Schaunard: Michael J. Hawk*  
Alcindoro: Patrick Blackwell  
Parpignol: Robert Stahley*  
Custom House Officer: Reid Bruton  
Sergeant: Steve Pence  
Child: Shelby Perez  
Prune Vendor: Todd Strange  
*member or alumnus of LA Opera’s Young Artist Program 
LA Opera Orchestra  
LA Opera Chorus  
Chorus Director: Grant Gershon  
Los Angeles Children’s Chorus  
LACC Artistic Director: Fernando Malvar-Ruiz  
Production: Barrie Kosky  
Associate Director: Katharina Fritsch  
Scenery Designer: Rufus Didwiszus  
Costume Designer: Victoria Behr  
Original Lighting Designer: Alessandro Carletti  
Associate Lighting Designer: Marco Philipp 

LA Opera's 2019 production of La Boheme was made possible with generous support from Ceil and Michael E. Pulitzer; The Blue Ribbon; and The Emanuel Treitel Senior Citizen Fund. 

Artists herein are represented by and appear courtesy of the American Guild of Musical Artists and the American Federation of Musicians, AFL-CIO.  
Audio Producers: Fred Vogler, Todd Reynolds 
LAO Audio Engineer: Brad Cobb  
LAO Head Audio: Heather Orozco  
Title translation by David Anglin, cued by Linda Zoolalian 
